Mark Kimball's Draft Teams at Essex Farm in Upstate New York

Monday, April 25, 2011

Outline for Final Paper

Natural History of Horse Culture
  1. Nomadic / Seasonal ~ Hunting - Herding - Moving
  2. Sedentary / Agricultural ~ Asian - French Bio Intensive - Scandanavia 
  3. Technological Advancement ~ War Machine - Implements - Breeding
Horse and Tractor
  1. Dogfood and Agribusniess ~ Oil Economics - Farm Consolidation - Manure Dustbowl
  2. Conservation Islands ~ Rural Heritage - Animal Husbandry - Pulling Contests
  3. Organic Revolution ~ Back to Landers - Ecohipsters - Ranch Culture
Draft Profiles

       1. Mark Kimball - Full Diet CSA - Horse Powered Farm - No delivery
       2. Lynn Miller - Draft Advocate - Outdoorsman - Author / Publisher
       3. Nordells - Draft Horse Market Garden - Rural Preservation - Simple Living
Sustainability and Permanence
  1. Sane Comparison ~ Horse vs Tractor - Oil vs Hay - Biological vs Mechanical
  2. Plow Potential ~ No Till Farming - Contour Plowing - Keyline Plowing
  3. Food Forestry ~ Perennial Polycultures - Agroforestry - Longevity Design